Wednesday, August 20, 2014

ROMANTIC TIPS: “The problem with Valentine’s Day (Part 4)”
And one more blog in a (seemingly) never-ending series of relationship tips and romantic insights that have been recommended by 4 out of 5 doctors.
The trouble with Valentine’s Day is that . . . It’s simply unbalanced. I don’t mean mentally unbalanced—although being infatuated does make one a bit mentally unbalanced (but that’s another story)—I mean that Valentine’s Day is economically unbalanced.
Here are the stats: 
  • Last year, in America, the average man spent $149 on Valentine’s Day for his gal. 
  • Meanwhile, the average women spent $32 on Valentine’s Day for her guy.
Seems unfair to me. Unless, of course, the women’s liberation / feminist movement has been rescinded, and we’re back in 1959. Hold on…Let me check on that—and I’ll get back to you on this tomorrow. 

Want more??
Available on amazon and at bookstores...
1001 Ways to be Romantic
10,000 Ways to Say I Love You
By Greg Godek.
Chief investigator, studying the effects of gender roles on the gift-giving habits of men versus women for Valentine’s Day. Or—If men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, is this a valid rationale for a lack of parity in gift-giving between the genders. 

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